β A | Copy item to Clipboard. |
β F | Find: Open a Find window, or ο¬nd items in a document. |
β G | Find Again: Find the next occurrence of the item. |
β H | Hide the windows of the front app. |
β M | Minimize the front window to the Dock. |
β N | Open a new document or window. |
β O | Open the selected item, or open a dialog to select a ο¬le to open. |
β P | Print current document. |
β Q | Quit the app. |
β S | Save the current document. |
β V | Paste contents of Clipboard in current document. |
β W | Close the front window. |
β X | Cut selected item and copy to the Clipboard. |
β Z | Undo the previous command. |
β Shift Z | Redo |
β Opt Esc | Force Quit: Choose an app to force quit. |
β Tab | Switch apps. |
β Shft Tilde | Switch windows. |
β Shft 3 | Screenshot of the entire screen |
β Shft 4 | Select area screenshot |
β Comma | Preferences: Open preferences for the front app |