*#06#Show phone's IMEI
*#07#Displays the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value of the device

Displays calendar storage info
*#*#426#*#*Google Play Services info or Firebase Cloud Messaging diagnostics (Select devices only)
*#7465625#Device lock status
*#9900#System dump mode
##778(+green/call button) EPST menu
*#0*#Access diagnostics
*#011#Network details and serving cell information
*#0228#Battery status
*#0283#Loopback Test menu
*#0808# USB Settings
*#1234#Software version/ Model details
*#2663#Firmware details
*#7353#Quick test menu
*#9090#Advanced debugging tools
*#2683662#Service mode
*#34971539#Camera firmware details
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