Acronym | Full Form |
ACP | Annual Credit Plan |
AESA | Agro Eco System Analysis |
AEZ | Agri Export Zone |
AFC | Agricultural Finance Corporation |
AGMARKNET | Agricultural Marketing Information Network |
AIBP | Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme |
AIF | Agriculture Infrastructure Fund |
APEDA | Agricultural Products Exports & Development Agency |
APMC | Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee |
APR | Actuarial Premium Rate |
ATMA | Agriculture Technology Management Agency |
BOT | Build Operate & Transfer |
CACP | Commission for Agriculture Costs and Prices |
CCI | Cotton Corporation of India |
CDP | Crop Diversification Programme |
CDZ | Cauvery Delta Zone |
CHCs | Custom Hiring Centres |
CICR | Central Institute for Cotton Research |
CIPMC | Central Institute Central Integrated Pest Management Centre |
CPIS | Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme |
DAC&FW | Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers’ Welfare |
DAHDF | Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries |
DARE | Department of Agricultural Research & Education |
DBT | Direct Benefit Transfer |
DIPP | Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion |
DoCA | Department of Consumer Affairs |
DoFPD | Department of Food & Public Distribution |
DoLR | Department of Land Resources |
DoPR | Department of Panchayati Raj |
DoR | Department of Revenue |
DoRD | Department of Rural Development |
e- NAM | Electronic National Agriculture Market |
ERFS | Extended Range Forecast System |
FAQ | Fair & Average Quality |
FFB | Fresh Fruit Bunch |
FICCI | Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry |
FRP | Fair & Remunerative Price |
FSSAI | Food Safety and Standards Authority of India |
GAP | Good Agricultural Practices |
GHGs | Green House Gases |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
HACCP | Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point |
ICAR | Indian Council of Agricultural Research |
IDWG | Inter Departmental Working Group |
IFOAM | International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement |
IHDS | Integrated Horticulture Development Scheme |
IIHR | Indian Institute for Horticultural Research |
KCC | Kisan Credit Card |
KMS | Kharif Marketing Season |
KVK | Krishi Vigyan Kendra |
MANAGE | National Institute for Agricultural Extension Management |
MCA | Ministry of Civil Aviation |
MEA | Ministry of External Affairs |
MIDH | Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture |
MIMIS | Micro Irrigation Management Information System |
MNCFC | Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre |
MNRE | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy |
MNREGA | Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act |
MoCF | Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers |
MoCI/DoCI | Ministry/Department of Commerce and Industry |
MoEFCC | Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change |
MoES | Ministry of Earth Sciences |
MoF | Ministry of Finance |
MoFPI | Ministry of Food Processing Industries |
MoP | Ministry of Power |
MoPNG | Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas |
MoR | Ministry of Railways |
MoRTH | Ministry of Road Transport and Highways |
MoS | Ministry of Shipping |
MoTex | Ministry of Textiles |
MoUD | Ministry of Urban Development |
MoWR | Ministry of Water Resources |
MSDA | Mission on Sustainable Dryland Agriculture |
MSDE | Mission on Sustainable Dryland Agriculture |
MSDE | Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship |
MSME | Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises |
MSP | Minimum Support price |
NABARD | National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development |
NADP | National Agriculture Development Programme |
NAFED | National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation |
NAM | National Agriculture Market |
NAM-MP | National Ayush Mission - Medicinal Plants |
NBM | National Bamboo Mission |
NCCD | National Centre for Cold-chain Development |
NCDC | National Cooperative Development Corporation |
NCMRWF | National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast |
NCOF | National Centre for Organic Farming |
NCU | Neem Coated Urea |
NFSM | National Food Security Mission |
NITI Aayog | National Institution for Transforming India |
NMAET | National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology |
NMSA | National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture |
NRAA | National Rainfed Area Authority |
NWDPRA | National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas |
PDMC | Per Drop More Crop |
PDPS | Price Deficiency Payment Scheme |
PGS | Participatory Guarantee System |
PKVY | Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana |
PM KISAN | PM- KIsan SAmman Nidhi Scheme |
PM KUSUM | Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evem Utthan Mahabhiyan Scheme |
PM-AASHA | Pradhan Mantri – Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan |
PMFBY | Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana |
PMFME | Prime Ministers Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterpris- es Scheme |
PMKMY | Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maandhan Yojana |
PMKSY | Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana |
PPSS | Private Procurement & Stockist Scheme |
PSS | Price Support Scheme |
RAD | Rainfed Area Development |
RPS | Reclamation of Problem Soils |
SAP | State Advised Price |
SCM | Supply Chain Management |
SDG | Sustainable Development Goals |
SDRF | State Disaster Relief Fund |
SFAC | Small Farmers Agri-Business Consortium |
SHM | Soil Health Management |
SLUSI | Soil and Land Use Survey of India |
SMAE | Sub Mission on Agricultural Extension |
SMAF | Sub Mission on Agro Forestry |
SMAM | Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization |
SMSP | Sub Mission on Seeds & Planting Materials |
SREP | Strategic Research and Extension Plan |
STEP | Systematic Tracking of Exchanges in Procurement |
SWMA | Supplementary Water Management Activities |
TANGEDCO | Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Ltd |
TANHODA | Tamil Nadu Horticulture Development Agency |
TANHOPE | Tamil Nadu Horticultural Producers Cooperative Enterprises Ltd., |
TANUVAS | Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University |
TAWDEVA | Tamil Nadu Watershed Development Agency |
TBO | Tree Borne Oilseeds |
TMC | Thousand Million Cubic Feet |
TN -IAMP | Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernization Programme |
TNOCD | Tamil Nadu Organic Certification Department |
TOP | Tamil Nadu Organic Products |
TRFA | Targeting Rice Fallow Areas |
TY | Threshold Yield |
UPIS | Unified Package Insurance Scheme |
VCA | Venture Capital Assistance |
WDF | Watershed Development Fund |